Wilbur's Mission

Wilbur’s mission is simply to help you find things on your hard disk.  The ever increasing size of hard disks makes it possible to store all kinds of good stuff on your computer and keep it there forever.  Unfortunately finding something in this mess can be rather difficult.

Wilbur can prepare an index which not only contains the names and attributes of all the files and folders on your disks, but also the words that appear in files that contain text.  Using this index Wilbur can quickly show you things like:

  • all the files with the phrase "gas bill" in them
  • any file with mary in its name
  • all the files in folders with admin in the folder name
  • all the files contained in zip archives
  • all the sound files on your disk
  • all the files that have been modified this week

and lots more.  These types of requests can be combined so that you could ask for all the files on disk D containing "gas bill" or "over due" that have mary in the name and have been modified this week.

Wilbur can display the text contained in files and if a search was done for certain words, those words will be highlighted in context.  You can either view just the lines containing matches or all the text in the file. Wilbur can also copy (including in and out of ZIP archives), launch, edit and perform other operations on the files found.

Please note that Wilbur is a Win32 program and will only run on the Intel version of WinNT and Win95. It will not run with the Win32s extensions for the 16 bit Windows.

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